
How I got here…

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my blog!
I am starting this blog in anticipation of our IVF journey (most likely to start in October). Hoping to find an outlet for all my thoughts and maybe make some new connections as well. So here it goes…
My husband John and I had been trying to conceive for almost a year when my gynecologist suggested that he see a urologist. "Just to make sure everything's ok."
That in and of itself was quite a journey. We made an appointment and he was thoroughly checked out. Nothing worrisome there. John was asked to bring in a sample a week later. When he dropped it off at the urologists office he was told to call in a week for the results. (Yes, a week! No clue why they had us waiting for so long!) So a long, long week goes by and we call in for the results. I was disappointed when they told us to make an appointment to discuss the results with the doctor. Immediately we knew something wasn't right. Again we had to wait a week before we got in. The results were devastating. The urologist actually said that there was no chance of us conceiving biological children. He suggested a fertility center but didn't sound convinced that they would be able to do anything either. The urologist took all our hope and needless to say it took quite some time for us to get over the initial shock. Months filled with emotions, questions and doubts went by before we made our first appointment with a fertility center.

More on that in the next post!


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